Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

What is SEAC?

The SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SEAC) of Chesapeake Public Schools is a state and federally mandated committee that is parent driven and works in partnership with the Department of Exceptional Learning and the School Board.

Who is represented?

The committee includes parents of children who have a wide variety of disabilities from each of the city’s boroughs, persons with disabilities, community representatives and one teacher representative.

Who can join SEAC?

The majority of the committee must be either parents, guardians, or family members of children with disabilities. Membership also includes public agencies, Chesapeake citizens, and local school personnel who serve as consultants to the committee. Upon submitting an application, state and federal mandates require each member to be school board appointed.

What does SEAC do?

SEAC is organized and functions in accordance with state and federal requirements. The Committee’s functions include the following:

  • Determining needs of children with disabilities within the city;

  • Developing priorities and strategies for meeting identified needs of children with disabilities in the city;

  • Submit periodic reports and recommendations;

  • Review policies and procedures in Special Education;

  • Participate in the review of the local school division’s annual plan

How can I get involved?

The Chesapeake Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is always looking for ideas and suggestions from students, parents and teachers that will improve the education of children with disabilities. Comments, ideas, or concerns from the public can be shared with committee in person at our meetings or in writing via email.

Contact Us
Facebook: SEAC

SEAC Meeting Schedule & Membership