Special Enrollments

The Office of Student Enrollment & Attendance (OSEA) supports Chesapeake Public Schools by processing all special enrollments.

Please Note

  1. Parents/Guardians must live in the city of Chesapeake to enroll their child/children in Chesapeake Public Schools.

  2. All special enrollments are processed electronically meaning there is no need for parents/guardians to visit our office. Special enrollments are processed in the order for which they are received. During our busy period, mid-August to mid-September, it may take as much as three business days to have your special enrollment processed by our office and for you to receive your Special Enrollment Detail Report temporary approval.

  3. The OSEA will email your Special Enrollment Detail Report temporary approval to the enrolling parent/guardian and zoned school. This report will include comments that identify any due dates and documents required to finalize the special enrollment. Failure to provide the required documentation by the due date may result in the interruption of a student’s enrollment in Chesapeake Public Schools.

  4. Incomplete special enrollment packets will not be processed or held. Please be sure to complete each document fully and accurately as well as submit all documents required for your special enrollment packet in ONE email to Email Office of Student Enrollment & Attendance.

Special Enrollment Circumstances

Lease or Closing Disclosure

If you have a lease or closing disclosure for a new Chesapeake residence but have not received a utility bill (electric, gas, or water) in your name and showing usage for your new residence, you must complete the first page of the SEA and Section B only of the second page. Your special enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Standard Student Enrollment Application (haga clic aquí para el Formulario B En Español)

  2. A copy of the lease or closing disclosure

  3. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  4. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

To finalize your Special Enrollment, a copy of your current electric, gas, or water bill in your name and showing usage for your new Chesapeake residence will be due to the OSEA 45 days from your temporary approval.

Contract or Purchase Agreement

If you have a contract or purchase agreement for a residence in Chesapeake, and you have not received an electric, gas, or water bill in your name and showing usage for the new residence, you must complete the first page of the SEA and Section B only of the second page. Your Special Enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Standard Student Enrollment Application (haga clic aquí para el Formulario B En Español)

  2. Proof of your current residence in Chesapeake

  3. A copy of your contract or purchase agreement with the tentative closing date within the current school quarter

  4. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  5. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

To finalize your Special Enrollment, a  copy of your closing disclosure/settlement statement will be due to the OSEA according to the proposed closing date of the contract. A current electric, gas, or water bill in your name and showing usage for your new Chesapeake residence will be due to the OSEA 45 days from the due date of your closing disclosure/settlement statement.

You must notify the OSEA immediately if your contract or purchase agreement tentative closing date is changed or if the contract falls through.

Residing with a Chesapeake Resident

If you are living with a Chesapeake resident and you do not have an electric, gas, or water bill in your name, you must complete the first page of the SEA and both you and the homeowner/leaseholder must complete Section A only of the second page. Section A is an affidavit that you must complete in the presence of and be signed by a notary. Notaries can be located in public libraries, AAA, banks, law and real estate offices, and parcel shipping stores. Your Special Enrollment packet must consist of the following:

  1. The completed two-page Student Enrollment Application – Residing With… (notarized) (haga clic aquí para el Formulario A En Español)

  2. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  3. The homeowner’s/leaseholder’s proof of residency – a copy of their current, within the last 30 days, electric, gas, OR water bill in the homeowner’s/leaseholder’s name showing usage for their residence

  4. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

§ 46.2-324. You must notify the DMV within 30 days of your in state move or 60 days if you are moving from out of state. Your DMV driver’s license or identification card must reflect the new address. This condition is required for the Special Enrollment of your student(s) in Chesapeake Public Schools. The OSEA will award temporary approval for 30-60 days for the enrollment of your student(s) until a copy of the DMV Compliance Summary reflecting the new address of your ID/Driver's License is received by our office electronically. First year residents may provide an official piece of mail, identifying their name and current mailing address to meet this criteria. 2nd and 3rd year residents ID/Driver's Licenses must reflect your current address. See below for more information

“Residing with a Chesapeake Resident” status must be RENEWED by August 1, of the upcoming school year.

Rental with Utilities Included

If you have a lease that stipulates your major utilities, electric, gas, and water, are covered in your monthly rental payment, you must complete the first page of the SEA and Section B only of the second page. Your Special Enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Standard Student Enrollment Application (haga clic aquí para el Formulario B En Español)

  2. A copy of the lease clearly indicating which utilities are included in the monthly rent

  3. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  4. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

§ 46.2-324. You must notify the DMV within 30 days of your in state move or 60 days if you are moving from out of state. Your DMV driver’s license or identification card must reflect the new address. This condition is required for the Special Enrollment of your student(s) in Chesapeake Public Schools. The OSEA will award temporary approval for 30-60 days for the enrollment of your student(s) until a copy of the DMV Compliance Summary reflecting the new address is received electronically. Parents/Guardians may provide an official piece of mail, identifying their name and current mailing address to meet this criteria.

Special Military Power of Attorney

If you are active duty military and being deployed outside of the United States as a member of the Virginia National Guard or Armed Forces and your student is living with an individual identified as the “care provider” under a Special Power of Attorney, this person must complete the first page of the SEA and Section B only of the second page. The Special Enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Standard Student Enrollment Application by the care provider identified on the Power of Attorney (haga clic aquí para el Formulario B En Español)

  2. A copy of the active duty military member’s order or a letter from the commanding  officer stating the dates of their deployment

  3. A copy of the Special Power of Attorney, identifying the care provider, with an expiration date

  4. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  5. A copy of the care provider’s proof of residency – a copy of their current, within the last 30 days, electric, gas, or water bill in their name showing usage for their residence

  6. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

Temporary Custody

If you have a temporary custody order signed by a judge you must complete the first page of the SEA and Section B only of the second page. Your Special Enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Standard Student Enrollment Application (haga clic aquí para el Formulario B En Español)

  2. A copy of the custody order signed by a judge reflecting the NEXT hearing date

  3. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  4. Proof of residency – a copy of your current, within the last 30 days, electric, gas, or water bill in your name and showing the usage for your address

  5. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

To finalize your Special Enrollment the final custody order will be due to the OSEA per the return court date as indicated by the temporary custody order.

Hotel or Campground Residence

If you are living in a hotel or lodging at a campground in the city of Chesapeake, you must complete the first page of the SEA and Section B only of the second page. Your special enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Standard Student Enrollment Application (haga clic aquí para el Formulario B En Español)

  2. A copy of your current hotel or campground bill

  3. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  4. Completed Online Registration AND a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

Bi-monthly hotel or campground receipts will be due to the OSEA for the duration of your stay.

Hotel and campground residences must be RENEWED by August 1, of the upcoming school year.

18 Year Old Independent Student

Young adult students who are in good standing, at least 18 years old, and will not have reached the age of  20 by August 1 of the current school year, may apply to enroll as an Independent Student. You must complete the Independent Student packet. The student and homeowner/leaseholder must complete the affidavit in the presence of and be signed by a notary. Notaries can be located in public libraries, AAA, banks, law and real estate offices, and parcel shipping stores. Your Special Enrollment packet must consist of the following:

  1. The completed Independent Student packet (notarized). This packet is available upon request by Email Office of Student Enrollment & Attendance. 

  2. Virginia DMV license or identification card reflecting your current Chesapeake residence

  3. The homeowner’s/leaseholder’s proof of residency – a copy of their current, within the last 30 days, electric, gas, or water bill in their name showing usage for their residence

  4. A paystub or proof of employment

  5. Proof of address verification from the U. S. Post Office

The OSEA will award temporary approval for 30 days for your enrollment in Chesapeake Public Schools and in that time you must provide any two of the following documents reflecting your current Chesapeake residence:

  1. Voter Registration Card

  2. Motor Vehicle Registration Card

  3. Official piece of mail (non-handwritten or from the school system)

  4. Bank or Insurance Statement

  5. A bill in your name

Independent student status is approved for the current school only.

Foster Care

If you are enrolling a foster student, the foster parent must complete the first page of the SEA and Section C only of the second page. Your special enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed two-page Student Enrollment Application – Foster Care.

  2. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  3. Proof of residency – a copy of the foster parent’s current, within the last 30 days, electric, gas, or water bill in the foster parent’s name showing the usage for their address

  4. A copy of the foster parent’s placement agreement

  5. A copy of the agreement between DSS and the Therapeutic Agency if involved

  6. A copy of the DSS Custody or Removal Order

  7. Completed Online Registration AND if available, a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools

Foster parents are asked to contact the OSEA immediately if there is a change of address or student’s placement.

Lacking Fixed, Regular or Adequate Housing

If you are lacking fixed, regular, or adequate housing you should contact the OSEA at  757-547-0545 to discuss your situation and to complete a Student/Family Residency Questionnaire. Your special enrollment packet must consist of the following documents:

  1. The completed Student/Family Residency Questionnaire. This questionnaire is available upon request by email to Email Office of Student Enrollment & Attendance.

  2. A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian’s government-issued ID

  3. Completed Online Registration AND if available, a copy of the student’s birth certificate if new to Chesapeake Public Schools