CVA Middle

Middle school students enrolled in Chesapeake Virtual Academy participate in a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning activities five days a week.  While students will have the ability to work at a pace that is personalized to their needs, students are expected to adhere to a weekly schedule with assignments due at various times during the week.  Students taking courses in CVA must be self-motivated, able to manage time wisely, regularly meet deadlines, and ask for assistance as needed. In addition, students should possess basic computer skills and be comfortable using the Internet for independent learning activities, email, and the district’s learning management system.

CVA students remain enrolled at their Chesapeake Public Schools zoned school where they can participate in all school sponsored sports, clubs, and activities.  CVA students learn alongside peers from other schools in the city, follow the same CPS curriculum used in brick and mortar settings, and CVA teachers are employed by Chesapeake Public Schools.